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IT Resilience Orchestration

IT resilience orchestration (ITRO) software products aim to improve workload recovery following unplanned outages. These solutions automate disaster recovery (DR) processes, particularly DR runbooks, support application resilience, and migrate workloads from on-premises data servers to public clouds. ITRO products can lower the costs of application dependency mapping, DR runbook creation, exercise efforts, and reporting.

What Small and Midsize Businesses Need to Know About IT Resilience Orchestration

IT resilience concerns an organization's ability to prevent, abate, restore, and adapt to IT-related hazards, which could include cyber security hacks, single points of failures, and service provider outages. Though IT resilience concerns businesses of all sizes, ITRO software products are most relevant for those with more than 150 workloads, i.e., simultaneous programs or applications using computing resources.

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