18 years helping British businesses
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What is Pentaho?
By tightly coupling data integration with business analytics, the Pentaho platform
from Hitachi Vantara brings together IT and business users to ingest, prepare, blend
and analyze all data that impacts business results. Pentahos open source heritage
drives continued innovation in a modern, unified, flexible analytics platform that
helps organizations accelerate their analytics data pipelines.
Who Uses Pentaho?
Any firm seeking to utilize and integrate data mining and analytics for the betterment of their business.
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Reviews of Pentaho

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Nice surprise
Comments: The tool allows the creation of complex ETL projects in a quick way and save time to produce valuable solution for the company.
Data Integration allows the build of such a complex ETL projects in a quick way, it's very powerful. Being an open source software allows the user to always find hints over the web
Issue log reports not really clear the error/s occurring and the troubleshooting results sometimes difficult. Scheduling
Best BI Software for Integration and Reporting
Excellent Data Integration across all the databases , User friendly and amazing for report designing using PRD tool(Pentaho Report Designer). Loving it!!
Takes longer time for fetching the data in report, technical limitations in report designing and bug solving are not easy.
Riding a Wild Horse - Community Edition
Many features. I like to use the reporting PRD, I think that it is the best. I use Spoon/Kettle that is a ETL tool to process data.
Many bugs. Maybe is because of Community Edition. We have many difficult to install in cloud. The layout of some report that run in developing, don't run in production.
Totally Worth it!!
Comments: I had used both pentaho report designer(PRD) and pentaho data integration(PDI) for optimizing power BI connectivity. Totally satisfied with my experience.
Excellent Data Integration, affordable price model and high user friendly.
Slow in loading huge data, technical limitation in reporting and resolving of ticket could have been improved a bit.
The best tool for data integration
Ease of use and abundant features to get things done. Helps a lot in filling the various gaps in data sources.
Not so user friendly, takes sometime for new user to get around the application and figure out the various tricks and tools available
One of the best Business Analytics tool out there
This tool can be installed on any operating system. It has a simple interface, so it takes less time to learn.
The design of the software is pretty old! Needs lot of improvement when compared to its competitors.
Gives me the ability to use clicks instead of code.
Penatho brings a visual interface to processes which would traditionally only be accomplished by many, many lines of code (which it can also do). Many powerful inputs from servers, software, and CRM systems. It also has very detailed error handling, which makes it easy to troubleshoot.
Support is mostly wiki/community based, with instructions for particular steps being lacking, outdated, or missing completely. Outputs could be simplified as well, with even a basic CSV output being slightly more complex than it should be, compared to other steps.

Pentaho is integrated set of tools for business intelligence
Comments: I have transformed multiple databases from different sources and formats into one single format and recognizable database set. After single database operation, I need to summarize report for that purpose i used Pentaho report designer tool to summarize and design report.
Data in Pentaho can be easily import from nearly any type of source including .csv, excel etc to create single report.
Pentaho itself is too much resource hungry as compared to other BI softwares. Configuration after installation is required that will be difficult for non-techies.
Data integrator for successful projct implementation
Comments: Pentaho is well organized for combining data together from different sources. You can make different kind of analyses and reports based on that.
Very good tools for visualisation of data. Dashboards are very easy to develop. Easy to integrate with third-party tools.
Takes some time to understand how it works. Interface is not intuitive. If you want to solve the problem by yourself there is no much information how to do that even with a very small problems.
PDI Community Edition is amazing.....the rest is mud
- Free PDI tool....its free so no discussions with finance - PDI is actually very effective ETL application with a easy to understand flow - Community is actually helpful
- Free BI tool is just slightly easier than building a website from scratch but a lot harder than using any other BI tool. - You need to know how to hack java to use. - The paid version does not have competitive pricing for the incremental value.
Pentaho a Flexible System
Comments: Pentaho has been a great product for our agency. We have generated hundreds of customized reports. End users are able to pull reports directly out of our E.H.R.
Pentaho allows for great flexibility in report writing. It provides access to data tables with limited restrictions. It is highly customizable.
While the system does offer Wizard tools this is not a product for beginner level report writers. It is best used by someone with at least basic SQL training.
Excellent tool for integration and reporting
Excellent data integration across various data nodes, high user friendly which means easy to learn and cheaper cost compared to current market standards.
Limitation in integration with JDBC connector, reporting designer features needs to be enhanced a bit and slow in fetching huge data.
Once you understand the basics of this program it is very, but very easy to use
"higher visual interface to processes, has a good number of functions (and very easy to understand) for data reporting, integration, data mining and ETL.. very simple but effective Big data transform You can build many dimensional model and load the results of the transformation into a database to develop any report whit low margin of error through a dimensional model and load the results of the transformation into a database to develop specialized reports , low margin of error-Automate the steps for execution"
Its a great tool to use, nothing to dislike about the product. Nothing to dislike, everything is good. All the features are really good.
Pentaho, a great open source BI suit with strong community support
Comments: One of the best opensource BI tool, also well integrated with existing platforms. It will be interesting to see how will it get integrated with fast evolving Big data technologies. Pentaho 7.1 is step in right direction.
- We mature DI (Data integration) module - Easy to learn design console (Spoon) - wide community support - Very well integrated with different platforms - Innovating fast in Big data world specially Pentaho 7.1
- Not very well documented for latest releases one of the reasons is many innovation are happening very fast
Great partner of IT business analyst
Comments: Using this kind of software brings ease and accurate data reports that helps the company on decision making
Easy to use, compatible in many database such as mysql, ms sql server, different type of output to choose such as excel, html, richtext, etc.
Some version are slow on initializing and fetching data such as Pentaho report designer version 5 and above. Unlike version 3 which has smooth process, that was base on my experience.
It is definitely the solution to carry out all the projects successfully!
Comments: Everything is organized better using this software. It is quite efficient and easy to use...
This software is wonderful, with it you can obtain performance and scalability. As well as manage and schedule reports. It is very efficient which means that you save a lot in daily reports...
This software is potentially amazing. Has it all! Your free trial is as complete as the paid version. It's very complete.
Saves me not only hours, but DAYS
Pentaho has nice schema browsing features whereby one not need know anything about the underlying schema in order to design a transformation. Automatic multi-threading by default.
When outputting to a table, Talend has an option to Drop if exists, and create. Pentaho has a Truncate [prior to load], but no option create the table as part of the data flow nor an option to drop an existing table.
ETL on the fly
Drag and drop functionality makes it easy to create transformations. Able to analyse data from multiple sources quickly and efficiently. Jobs can be scheduled in order to run specific tasks and transformations at a certain time.
Can take some time to figure out how to use it as there are lots of components involved. Can be a bit slow or run into out of memory issues for bigger queries but upping the virtual memory in the configuration can fix this issue.
Pentaho Review
Once you understand the basics of this program it is easy to use. The bonus with this program is that if someone write a report, they can share the script with you. The updated 6.1 version is definitely an improvement.
If you are not at all familiar with writing script, this program can be very challenging. No real user manuals are included.
Practical, versatile and objective
Comments: Fast execution of ETL processes in the case of massive data migration with a very low margin of error
-Automate the steps for execution - It has a friendly graphic environment - Easy to use - Wide range of tools
-High basic requirements for execution. - lack of detailed comments in error messages. -It does not have documentation in Spanish language.
I love the out of the box visualization templates!
Comments: I really like using it but chose to use other apps like tableau due to lack of features.
Pentaho makes it really easy to generate some complex data driven visualizations.
Pentaho doesn't have a lot of options for pulling data from public APIs.
Good for Reporting and Integration!!
Very easy to learn, provides efficient report designing tool and integration with different datasource is too good.
It has limitations in customized templates, user community is not so high compared to other BI tools and compatibility issue with JDBC connector is definite area of improvement.
Best Data integration and business analytics tool
Comments: Best product for reporting and analyzing.
Best reporting tool.Features like data reporting, integration, data mining and ETL. Provides easy and good insights of business. Provides intuitive interface for most advanced users
Sometimes Pentaho Spoon(GUI) crashes.sharing and collaboration capabilities need to be enhanced Other all features are really good.
Limited flexibility and subpar UI
Ease of install I suppose; that and its ease of uploading reports into our EHR.
Flexibility is limited. Other report designers will offer time saving features that are missing here. Having to manually create queries instead of having a UI do it for you ( a la Crystal Reports) is a huge time sink. Using the Report Designer locks you into appearance constraints and removing them is a pain.
Nice tool for reporting
We use Pentaho to do SLA reporting to our customers. Reports can be customised in various ways which is a great thing.
Because there are so many things Pentaho can be used, the user interface could be more intuitive to use.