18 years helping British businesses
choose better software

What is Bleexo?
With Bleexo, our client improve employees' engagement and performance, accelerate their transformations, and empower employees: strengthen their leadership.
- Employee surveys: Keep track of team morale with pulse - surveys
- On-demand surveys: create your own custom surveys
- Coaching: Be inspired, take action
- 360° and 180° feedback: Self-knowledge is the first step towards self-improvement
- Recognition: establish a culture of constructive feedback
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Reviews of Bleexo

An essential for the employee relationship
Comments: Set up during the covid crisis, the tool helped us to keep in touch with all of our employees during lockdown. Today, it is an essential part of the employee experience. By giving them a voice, it allows us to measure the impact of our actions, to detect the needs of our employees and therefore to work on their commitment.
I appreciate the ease of use, whether in managing the employee database or in creating or processing survey results. the support offered by Bleexo is of high quality, with regular points and the availability of the teams.
the addition of employees during the investigation is an area for improvement in my opinion

Great product
Comments: Great, that's all!
Very easy to use, 80% of our employees use the tool and it guides our HR strategy for the year. A absolute must have if you value your employees feedback.
At the beginning a few features were missing but now the tool is quite complete!
Convinced by the product and uses
This soft is Easy and interactive. The integration was very easy and simple to explain to the management. They use webinar to complete their training
Some fucntionalities are missing as holidays' teams integration
Changing the way of managers' way of thinking
I really recommend Bleexo to the companies/manager really committed to improve the working atmosphere and the engagement of their teams.
Bleexo really helps on the last mile to improve the performance of the employees.
Simple, clear and efficient. After a couple of weeks of using the program we saw our weak points that let us understant much better our teams.
At the beginning, design was not impact full, hopefully it seems they have now improved significantly.
Comments: When I started using Bleexo I was a bit sceptical, but the results speak for themselves! I have changed drasticaly my way of management and my team's engagement increased rapidly. I now understand the importance of a good company culture thanks to Bleexo and their professional team.
360° feedback, amazing tool to get direct feedback from all levels of employees.
Well at first the website was not very colorful, but the new version they just released is much better visually.
Great product to boost employee engagement
Comments: The best HR tool for a team
- Very simple employee surveys - An excellent onboarding - Great engagement analytics to help managers with their teams
We had to use the tool for few weeks to get enough data, after 3 weeks, data analytics are amazing
Perfect tool to have honnest employee feedback!
Comments: We could feel in a couple of weeks that there was more transparency in company's communication and the culture improved too.
I have recommended Bleexo to our partners and wouldn't change it a bit! Deep analysis, simple to use, real time results and good customer care.
I heard that they didn't have all the languages that our company needed at the beginning, but they managed to add it in the same week.
Perfect software to increase engagement
Comments: We have been using Bleexo for a couple of months now and I can already see improvement in the way company communicates, very impressive!
Doesn't take a lot of time and I feel free to give an honest feedback.
Not much to say, really, very simple to use.
Customer feedback
Comments: Allow an anonymous and structured feedback of the social temperature within the company
simple, efficient and useful
If you want to grow your business adopt Bleexo!
Congratulations for the development of this tool which should be a must in every company! An incredible measurement and progress tool 😊👏👍
Congratulations for your listening, responsiveness [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN]
👌😊 and I hope to see very quickly the Bleexo application on IPhone 😉⭐️🤩
The Bleexo tool is just great for highlighting strong areas and making progress on opportunities for improvement! Congratulations for the development of this tool which should be a must in every company! An incredible measurement and progress tool 😊👏👍
A Bleexo application accessible from a mobile phone will be excellent and in the air of current technology where everyone is connected!
Feedback Bleexo
Comments: In some departments, it is geographically difficult to be close to our colleagues. Bleexo helped us to resolve some points that weren't escalated to the top management.
The product is really easy to use. It's very simple to set up and the platform is very intuitive.
The statistics are very powerful and allow to have a general and detailed vision.
Un outil puissant et performant
Comments: Soucieux du bien être de nos salariés, nous avons mis en place Bleexo au sein de notre entreprise dans une période faste et productive. Baromètre puissant, les enquêtes ont toutefois révélés quelques failles sociales ou de communication, insoupçonnées de la direction. Le sachant, nous avons pu agir et retrouver un équilibre général et un apaisement total de nos équipes. Puis est arrivé le Covid, période sombre et anxiogène. Encore une fois, Bleexo nous a permis de maintenir l'équilibre social, la communication et le bien être professionnel de nos équipes. C'est un outil formidable dont on aurait du mal à se passer aujourd'hui.
Bleexo est très intuitif, les enquêtes peuvent être très rapides ou plus complètes en fonction de nos besoins et les résultats sont toujours très parlants (forme et contenu). Elles sont révélatrices du moral et du bien être de nos collaborateurs comme de leurs inquiétudes ou baisse de forme. L'anonymats favorise grandement la sincérité des réponses et permet toujours d'avoir un juste retour. Les enquêtes étant personnalisables, nous les faisons évoluer en fonction des évènements internes ou externes. C'est très appréciable et facile. l'équipe Bleexo est toujours disponible pour nous aider, nous orienter ou nous dépanner en cas de besoin. Pour moi, c'est un outil indispensable qui comble largement nos attentes dans le domaine.
Nous n'avons pas détecté d'inconvénient à ce jour

Innovant et Pertinent
Comments: Bleexo est un outil simple et efficace pour accompagner nos équipes. Il s'intègre parfaitement dans notre mode d'organisation collaborative. Les 1ers retours sont encourageants et la participation progresse.
Facilité de mise en place et d'utilisation / Accompagnement et soutien de l'équipe Bleexo / Supports de communication interne / Outil adapté à tous les postes et missions / Synthèse des résultats / Ergonomie
Nous utilisons aujourd'hui uniquement Pulse et en sommes satisfait. Peut-être développer un club utilisateurs pour partager nos expériences.
Très bon outil avec un bon suivi des équipes Bleexo
Cet outil de management est très intuitif et simple d'utilisation. Si la direction se donne la peine de prendre les avis de ses collaborateurs en compte et communique sur les actions menées en interne, Bleexo est parfait pour faire remonter remarques ou idées diverses.
Rien à redire, tout était très bien. Merci aux équipes Bleexo pour leur accompagnement.